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At Academy Athletic Therapy Inc., our number one priority is customer experience and satisfaction. We'll do our best to provide you with exceptional service at the most affordable prices.


What athletic therapy can do for you

Athletic therapy is a specialized medical field focusing on injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones while applying knowledge of biomechanics (physics of how your body moves and functions optimally), human physiology (what happens to your body on a cellular level), exercise physiology (what happens to your body on a cellular level when you exercise), sport psychology, principles of resistance training (helps the patient/athlete continue with progressions allowing that individual to transition smoothly from a controlled environment like the clinic to a dynamic environment field/ice/school/work with ease and confidence. Our role is to help patients/athletes be better and stronger than before their injury by educating the patient/athlete on their body and how best to prevent re-injury which allows that individual to regain independence. 

Injuries treated but not limited to this list...

Abdominal strain               

Achilles tendinosis

ACL tear/reconstruction

AC sprain

Ankle sprain (eversion & inversion)

Back strain/weakness / LBP

Biceps strain


Calf strain

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Cervical radiculopathy

Chronic pain

Concussion / traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Contusions (bruising)

Disc irritation / herniated disc

Elbow laxity / sprain

Facet joint irritation

Iliapsoas spasm

ITB friction syndrome

Jaw pain / TMJ dysfunction

Jumper's knee

Lateral epicondylitis / Tennis elbow

Leg length discrepancy

LCL sprain/tear

MCL sprain/tear

Finger/thumb sprains

Gluteus Medius weakness

Groin strain

​Medial epicondylitis / Golfer's elbow

Meniscal injury / tear


Muscle imbalance

Muscle weakness

Neck sprain / strain

Nerve root impingement


Occipital neuralgia

Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Patellar dislocation

Plantar fasciitis

PCL sprain / tear

Poor balance + body mechanics


Pre/post pregnancy

Quadriceps strain

Quadratus lumborum strain

Rotator cuff strain

Hamstring strain / tightness



High ankle sprain

Hip flexor contractures

Rib fractures

Shin splints

SIJ dysfuntion/irritation

Snapping hip

TFCC tear

Thoracic outlet syndrome


Wrist sprain

How to get started

Click on the options below to create an online profile to schedule an upcoming athletic therapy appointment at your convenience. New patients will receive an email to securely complete our clinic forms before arriving for their appointment. Please contact us if you have any issues completing the forms or prefer to complete our forms in the clinic (NOTE: this may take up time depending on information to provide such as an extensive health history or require specific forms completed for an insurance claim such as MPI, etc. which may reduce your appointment time if there's a late arrival). 

Leaves Shadow

Minimum of 60 minutes required prior to securing appointment for same-day booking (if there are openings).

Clinic Hours

Sunday - Monday                      Closed


Tuesday - Thursday       09:00 AM - 11:30 AM

                                       12:30 PM - 07:30 PM


Friday                             09:00 AM - 11:30 AM

                                       12:30 PM - 05:00 PM


Saturday                        09:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Lunch break           11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Enter your contact details along with your requested date(s) & times - we'll notify you if a requested time slot becomes available.

How to get the most from your athletic therapy treatments

Having an injury or your body just not working the way it used to can be stressful, cause anxiety and indirectly cause tension in muscles. We do our best so that patients can enjoy their experience, gain independence by learning how to take care of their bodies and look forward to feeling better. Getting feedback from the patient allows the athletic therapist to make modifications and adjust the therapy technique(s) being used to maintain progress with injury recovery.


Academy Athletic Therapy Inc. waiting room

Welcoming environment

Wheelchair accessible washroom

Wheelchair accessible rooms

Ramp at front entry

Front entry wheelchair accessible
Free on-street parking

Neighborhood full of local small businesses

Family friendly
Direct bill insurance companies

Online booking with email reminders

Environment adjusted for light & sound sensitivities

Private treatment rooms

Payment types: cash, debit, e-Transfer, Mastercard, and Visa

Need more resources to help with your injury recovery? Go to our channel for everything from different ways to stretch your body to how to stop a nose bleed without touching your nose in less than 20 seconds. 

YouTube logo

Help support us by clicking SUBSCRIBE and liking the videos on our YouTube channel - Academy Athletic Therapy 

Man looking at cell phone

Academy Athletic Therapy Inc.

Unit 1 - 695 Osborne Street

Winnipeg, MB   Canada   R3L 2B9

(204) 504-6233

Hours of Operation

Sunday to Monday                                         Closed

Tuesday  to Thursday                9:00 am - 07:30 pm

Friday                                          9:00 am - 03:00 pm

Saturday                                     9:00 am - 11:30 am

Payment Options



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