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Ankle & Foot

The content below is not meant to replace assessments and diagnoses from trained medical professionals. The content being shared is a visual resource that compliments custom home programs created by certified athletic therapist, Melissa Deonaraine CAT(C), for patients whom she has physically assessed and treated in clinic.Always check with your medical provider before trying content found on the internet is safe for you to try. 


Ankle & Foot Towel Exercises

Exercises for your feet may not be exciting but they are necessary if you're working to improve your current mobility and function. 


These towel exercises are best performed without your socks on for a better grip with the towel. We'll leave my toes to be seen in-person during sandal season when I'm not at the clinic. 

Seated Ankle Exercise with Exercise Tubing

This is a nice progression for foot and ankle injuries. The patient gets to challenge their lower leg/ankle with resistance from the exercise tubing  but still be in a controlled position to limit instability. 


These exercises may appear to be boring, babyish, and too simple for the majority of people. However, it's a different story when you've had an injury to your lower leg/ankle or your lower leg is affected from joints above or below, causing a delay with injury recovery. The fun stuff will come later but first work to have a solid foundation so we can build and grow from there.  

Seated Ankle & Knee Strengthening Exercises

Fabric resistance loop bands are your best friends when it comes to these exercises. If you've ever tried these exercises with the regular loop bands, I feel your pain (leg hairs) and annoyance from your workout constantly being disrupted. 


Best way to stay motivated is by using fitness equipment that doesn't disrupt your workout and has minimal setup. Try adding fabric resistance loop bands to your gym bag so you can enjoy workouts at the park taking in the fresh air.

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Lower Leg Workout with Fabric Resistance Loop Band

Fabric resistance loop bands are your best friends when it comes to these exercises. If you've ever tried these exercises with the regular loop bands, I feel your pain (leg hairs) and annoyance from your workout constantly being disrupted. 


Best way to stay motivated is by using fitness equipment that doesn't disrupt your workout and has minimal setup. Try adding fabric resistance loop bands to your gym bag so you can enjoy workouts at the park taking in the fresh air.

Agility Ladder Drill

Agility ladders are fun to throw in the mix for rehab exercises with patients in the clinic or athletes at the field. Stage 2 rehab programs will introduce speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) exercises to improve an individual's function and mobility with accuracy. 

Academy Athletic Therapy Inc.

Unit 1 - 695 Osborne Street

Winnipeg, MB   Canada   R3L 2B9

(204) 504-6233

Hours of Operation

Sunday to Monday                                         Closed

Tuesday  to Thursday                9:00 am - 07:30 pm

Friday                                          9:00 am - 03:00 pm

Saturday                                     9:00 am - 11:30 am

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