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Tennis Elbow ( lateral epicondylitis )

     Tennis elbow is a common overuse type injury that both athletes and every day individuals experience. 

     Athletes typically affected by lateral epicondylitis participate in sports such as tennis, fencing, golf, pitching (baseball, fastball and softball) and javelin throwing.

Is it worth it to get an elbow brace?

     There are many opinions when it comes to orthopedic bracing. Based on my experience and knowledge, I'll share the details and let you decide what's best based on your situation.

     Elbow braces specific for medial or lateral epicondylitis are called counter force irritation bands (CF band). 

Golfer's Elbow ( medial epicondylitis)

Medial epicondylitis known also as Golfer's elbow, involves excessive and forceful movement bending your wrist (wrist flexion) and 

     If this happens to sound like something else you may not be wrong since medical terms often have multiple names to for one term or object. 

If this happens to sound like something else you may not be wrong since medical terms often have multiple names to for one term or object. Medial epicondylitis is also known as.....

  • Golfer's elbow

  • Pitcher's elbow

  • Javelin-thrower's elbow

  • Raquetball elbow

      Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)

is a common overuse type injury that both athletes and every day individuals experience. Athletes typically affected by lateral epicondylitis participate in sports such as tennis, fencing, golf, pitching (baseball, fastball and softball) and javelin throwing.

     Don't play tennis (or any sport) but experiencing symptoms or gotten the diagnosis of tennis elbow? First things first, start off by facing your left palm in the same direction your chest is facing ( this is anatomical neutral ).

     The forearm muscles on the palm side are referred to being anterior (front) while the forearm muscles in the back are called posterior. Those posterior forearm muscles are responsible for the tennis elbow symptoms you're experiencing.

     Locate the elbow crease on your left arm,  then move upwards an inch or two (and on the side farthest away from your body) towards your shoulder. If you poke that spot, you may experience some pain if you're currently experiencing tennis elbow. 

     Out of instinct, most people will apply pressure to the meaty part of their forearm thinking that's where the pain originates. 

Is it worth it to get an elbow brace?

     There are many opinions when it comes to orthopedic bracing. Based on my experience and knowledge, I'll share the details and let you decide what's best based on your situation.

Elbow braces specific for medial or lateral epicondylitis are called counterforce irritation bands ( or CF band). The brace works by applying pressure to the meaty part of forearm muscle below the crease of your elbow. In clinic, I try to explain to patients that just because "X" marks the spot (where they are experiencing the pain) does not necessarily mean that is where the pain is stemming from.


Helpful Links

AnaTech Tennis Elbow Strap


Medspec Epigel Tennis Elbow

Golfer's Elbow ( medial epicondylitis)

Medial epicondylitis known also as Golfer's elbow, involves excessive and forceful movement bending your wrist (wrist flexion) and      If this happens to sound like something else you may not be wrong since medical terms often have multiple names to for one term or object. 


If this happens to sound like something else you may not be wrong since medical terms often have multiple names to for one term or object. Medial epicondylitis is also known as.....

  • Golfer's elbow

  • Pitcher's elbow

  • Javelin-thrower's elbow

  • Raquetball elbow

Is it worth it to get an elbow brace?

     There are many opinions when it comes to orthopedic bracing. Based on my experience and knowledge, I'll share the details and let you decide what's best based on your situation.

     Elbow braces specific for medial or lateral epicondylitis are called counter force irritation bands (CF band). 

Rolling Sticks

Self massaging device used at home, work, competition and travel.

Intracell Rolling Stick: Click here for help deciding which style is best suited for your body type and activity.

Tiger Tail 

Foam Roller

Choose a roller with a density/firmness you can tolerate.

     If you're exercising for the first time or in need of something to help you get over a plateau with your current fitness routine at home or the gym, then maybe it's time you try using an exercise ball. They are inexpensive exercise equipment that's versatile, simple to use and as long as you've got a bit of an imagination, sky's the limit when it comes to what you can do on/with the exercise ball.

     Let's get started and make you sound like a pro after reading all of this. The exercise ball has been around since the 1960's originating in Switzerland, hence the name 'Swiss ball.' A physiotherapist developed the exercise ball to help patients address orthopedic and medical injuries/illness. You can step up your game with the Bosu Ballast Ball which differs slightly adding 2.5 lbs of weight increasing your resistance / challenge, great for upper body exercises and as a bonus the extra weight keeps it from running away from you during your workout. Another style you may have heard of is called a "peanut" or Physio Roll which looks like a giant peanut used primarily with physiotherapy or occupational therapy patients.  Keep it simple, when in doubt call it an exercise ball unless it clearly looks identifiable as a peanut.

     Because exercise balls have been around for quite some time, many non-medical places carry exercise balls for home use from stores such as Walmart, Superstore, Canadian Tire and  Target to name a few.  Don't break the bank buying an exercise ball so you can get fit but keep in mind (in my opinion probably one of the most import criteria) that your exercise ball is anti-burst. Jack-in-the-box was sneaky and scared you as a child but it never physically hurt you. A balloon bursting while holding it isn't terrible but imagine  

that balloon being 50 times larger. All it takes is rolling your exercise ball over a tack, nail, etc. or filling air into a cold exercise ball that's been sitting in your car for the majority of the winter day in minus temperatures may cause your exercise ball to pop like a balloon and hello fear of balloons and plastic balls.  Science will get you every time; if the material (ie. plastic ball) needing to be expanded isn't at room temperature, it

     Pros using an exercise ball include positives such as improved balance, improved spatial awareness (helpful for folks with poor depth perception), activates your core, prevents you from "cheating" (with your body) when exercising, helps to overcome plateaus when your current fitness program has become stale, you don't want to increase weights but want to add to body strength, or  you're not seeing any results. 

    Cons using an exercise ball are related to skillset, comfort and equipment maintenance. 

     Just like people, exercise balls come in all shapes and sizes. So which one is best suited for you?


Make sure your exercise ball is the appropriate size for your body:

         45cm = between 4’7” - 5’0”

         55cm = between 5’1” – 5’10”

         65cm = between 5’8” – 6’1”

     Maintenance for your new piece of exercise equipment is fairly low key. When storing at home, keep your exercise ball away from heaters or vents to prevent the exercise ball from warping its' shape. Always, always, always clean your equipment after use (even if you don't sweat that much, plus it's proper gym etiquette). Keep it simple with soap and water if you don't have any fancy cleaners for exercise equipment that kills everything from H1N1 to SARS, you'll still be fine. Lastly, you want to make sure your exercise ball is properly inflated.

     If you're exercising for the first time or in need of something to help you get over a plateau with your current fitness routine at home or the gym, then maybe it's time you try using an exercise ball. They are inexpensive exercise equipment that's versatile, simple to use and as long as you've got a bit of an imagination, sky's the limit when it comes to what you can do on/with the exercise ball.

     Let's get started and make you sound like a pro after reading all of this. The exercise ball has been around since the 1960's originating in Switzerland, hence the name 'Swiss ball.' A physiotherapist developed the exercise ball to help patients address orthopedic and medical injuries/illness. You can step up your game with the Bosu Ballast Ball which differs slightly adding 2.5 lbs of weight increasing your resistance / challenge, great for upper body exercises and as a bonus the extra weight keeps it from running away from you during your workout. Another style you may have heard of is called a "peanut" or Physio Roll which looks like a giant peanut used primarily with physiotherapy or occupational therapy patients.  Keep it simple, when in doubt call it an exercise ball unless it clearly looks identifiable as a peanut.

     Because exercise balls have been around for quite some time, many non-medical places carry exercise balls for home use from stores such as Walmart, Superstore, Canadian Tire and  Target to name a few.  Don't break the bank buying an exercise ball so you can get fit but keep in mind (in my opinion probably one of the most import criteria) that your exercise ball is anti-burst. Jack-in-the-box was sneaky and scared you as a child but it never physically hurt you. A balloon bursting while holding it isn't terrible but imagine  

Academy Athletic Therapy Inc.

Unit 1 - 695 Osborne Street

Winnipeg, MB   Canada   R3L 2B9

(204) 504-6233

Hours of Operation

Sunday to Monday                                         Closed

Tuesday  to Thursday                9:00 am - 07:30 pm

Friday                                          9:00 am - 03:00 pm

Saturday                                     9:00 am - 11:30 am

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