First Aid Shoulder Sling
Why it's handy to have a triangular bandage in your first aid kit.
Supply List
1 roll x High quality or mid-grade groin wrap - 6.0" x 11 yards
1 roll x Lightplast Pro (elastic tape) - 3.0" x 7.5 yards
1 roll x Renfrew #188 Bleached - 1.5" x 15 yards
Shoulder Spica - How to Wrap Your Shoulder for Continued Activity
Prophylactic support can help an individual continue with their activities by limiting movement in painful ranges while holding the joint snuggly from the external compression.
Some prefabricated devices / supports may be expensive or simply not accessible. Wrapping your shoulder can help you continue with your activities. This may also be an option to consider if the individual requiring shoulder support is unable to tolerate adhesive on their skin.
Taping vs. Wrapping Your Wrist
Here are some various ways to tape and wrap your wrist including foam blocks to limit moving in painful ranges of motion.
How to Tape Your Thumb
I'm not a fan of the pigtail technique for the reason that the tape tends to cut into the thumb which would mean that I have to adjust/modify that tape job and not me as efficient. One of my classmates from university showed me this technique (which was pass onto them by AT students in their final year of the program).
Buddy Splint for Fingers & Toes
This may seem like it's an intuitive tape job but I've taping applications that have worsened the issue, caused bruising from too much pressure holding the area together.
How to Wrap a Boomerang Brace
If you're going to purchase a prefabricated wrist wrap, you can't go wrong with the boomerang brace. It's made of a wetsuit material so it can get wet. It has a little bulk from the material but it won't stretch. There's a proper opening for your thumb which is superior to others with a flimsy loop to anchor the brace to your thumb.
How to Wrap Your Groin: Reduce Hip Abduction
This technique is common for individuals playing hockey, soccer, rugby, ultimate frisbee, etc. You will need the proper supplies for this application to be effective.

1 roll x High quality or mid-grade groin wrap - 6.0" x 11 yards
1 roll x Lightplast Pro (elastic tape) - 3.0" x 7.5 yards
1 roll x Renfrew #188 Bleached - 1.5" x 15 yards
Supply List
How to Wrap Your Groin: Reduce Hip Adduction
Here's the opposite version of the hip spica technique from above.
Supply List

1 roll x High quality or mid-grade groin wrap - 6.0" x 11 yards
1 roll x Lightplast Pro (elastic tape) - 3.0" x 7.5 yards
1 roll x Renfrew #188 Bleached - 1.5" x 15 yards
How to Properly Size & Walk with Crutches
Crutches can be intimidating to use however a properly fitted pair of crutches can reduce the likelihood of aches and pains in your arms, elbows, wrists and hands. There are also different techniques to walk with crutches depending on what your medical provider feels is appropriate for your current state.
How to Wrap Your Ankle with a Tensor Bandage
Always check for circulation when applying tape or a tensor to the body that wraps around a joint or limb! If the area being taped or wrapped starts to feel cold or turning bluish-purple then immediately remove your wrapping/tape, check circulation and try again.
Lightly pressing the nail bed or gently pressing the skin (depends on where the support is being applied) to see if the color goes away and returns in 2 seconds or less to check for capillary refill.
Horseshoe Ankle Wrap
This is like the deluxe or premium version of an ankle wrapping. Your medical provider will let you know when it's appropriate to use this application and the duration required for your injury rehab.