The content below is not meant to replace assessments and diagnoses from trained medical professionals. The content being shared is a visual resource that compliments custom home programs created by certified athletic therapist, Melissa Deonaraine CAT(C), for patients whom she has physically assessed and treated in clinic. Always check with your medical provider before trying content found on the internet is safe for you to try.
Range of Motion Assisted with Exercise Ball
This passive stretch helps increase range of motion for your shoulders and trunk by allowing your head, neck and arms resting on the exercise ball as you gently move through different ranges. Move in slow, controlled movements to make the most out of this stretch.
This stretch doesn't work well for individuals with knee issues. You can try this stretch while seated on a bench, however the height may take away from the effectiveness of the stretch. Best to try something else instead.
Broom Stick Shoulder Stretches
Sometimes it feels like you just can't get to one spot to get some relief. That's what this stretch does for your shoulders.
I joke with my patients that this is a "U of M: AT Program" specifically taught stretch. Every educational institution has it's own flare when teaching things to students. It's a bit awkward at first when learning this stretch but once you get the hang of it, family members may find broom sticks randomly around the house (you chuckle but it's happened to clinic patients).
Triceps Stretch
​The triceps brachii muscle (commonly called "triceps") is found superficially on the posterior (back) muscles of your arm. Since the triceps attaches from your scapula (shoulder blade) to the olecranon (think pointy part of your elbow), your triceps is responsible for extension of the forearm (straightening your arm).
Biceps Stretches
Biceps brachii (or commonly shortened name of "biceps") is the most superficial muscle found on the front of your arm. It's responsible for elbow flexion (bending your forearm) and supination of forearm (imagine rotating your palm from facing the ground to facing the ceiling).
Option #1
Option #2
Deltoid Stretches
Imagine the deltoid muscle like the shoulder cap on your t-shirt contouring the top part of you arm/shoulder.
Anterior (front) muscle fibers: Flex and medially rotate the arm (brings your arm forward + turn your arm towards your chest).
Middle fibers: Abduct the arm (raises your arm away from the your side of your body).
Posterior fibers: Extends and laterally rotates the arm (brings your arm backwards + turns your arm away from your body).
Option #1
Option #2
Trigger Points
There are lots of therapy tools you can use to get pain relief. Trigger point balls are helpful but can be intense depending on how much pain you're currently experiencing.
Focus on your breathing to help you get through intense moments using a trigger point ball. The type of ball you use can also affect the outcome (i.e.. lacrosse ball may can cause bruising from being too firm).
There's no need to roll around with the ball. Let your body relax and stay still so the trigger point technique can be effective.
Standing Technique
Floor Technique
Side Twist Wall Stretch
This a stretch Melissa randomly made up one day at work while waiting for the printer to work. It's an odd stretch but it gets some tricky areas.